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Bodywork for Performance &
Pleasure Horses


Bodywork for Performance & Pleasure Horses â€‹

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Equine Services



Helping Improve Performance, Well-Being, and Relationship with the Horse

Supporting the Horses Body for Relaxation and Comfort, to Overcome

Restriction and Limitations. Allowing the Horses Full Potential to Shine.


The Masterson Method® is a unique, interactive method of equine massage. Using the responses of the horse to find and release accumulated tension in key junctions of the body that most affect performance. The horse actively participates in the process of releasing tension. It is something we do with the horse, rather than to the horse. This participation and interaction with the horse at this level is fascinating.


In nature, the horse’s first survival response is to flee. When the horse is being handled by us, it doesn’t have that option. Instead the response may be to push back, guard or brace. This can be internal or external. Staying under the radar of the survival response, by slowly and lightly applying pressure to the horse, it can bypasses the internal bracing or guarding. This method accesses the part of the horse’s nervous system that will yield, or release tension when the horse is in a relaxed state.



Basically... We are Setting Up the Horse so THEY can
Release T
ension at Their Own Pace.

The Painted Horse
Jim Masterson the founder of Masterson Method,
working with the Head Down Technique

How Subtle Responses from the Horse Lead to Released Tension.

As a prey animal, the horse will attempt to appear strong. If the horse shows signs of pain or weakness it will be the first one noticed by predators, or it may be left behind by the herd. Every horse will guard against showing signs of pain, weakness and lameness in the body. That is why it can be so difficult to evaluate lameness in a horse.


By applying The Masterson Method techniques, you can access the part of the horse’s nervous system that will give you certain signs that tell you where tension is being held in the body, and when it is being released. If you use the correct level of touch or pressure, and follow what the horse’s body is telling you, it will release the tension it is holding. Not forcing only gently asking.



Key Areas Of the Body That Affect Performance.  

Certain areas of the horse’s body accumulate stress and tension that affect mobility, comfort, attitude and performance. This can come from any number of areas including the feet, saddle, teeth, conformation, lameness or just plain work. When the tension is released you can see immediate improvement in mobility, comfort, attitude and performance.


This bodywork focuses on releasing tension in the key junctions of the body that most affect performance such as the poll, neck/shoulder/withers junction, and sacro/lumbar junction.


This method is described as Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork. It is comprised of many unique techniques which are pulled from various modalities and combined to target specific areas of the horses body.

Releasing Tension
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Click here to see Jim Masterson
talking about the
value of The Masterson Method
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